Pecunia cattle
Pecunia cattle

And we properly call God Himself rich not, however, in money, but in omnipotence.

pecunia cattle

For they may possess ever so great an amount of money but whatever be the abundance of that, they are not able but to want. But we call the greedy poor, who are always craving and always wanting. For they are more truly rich in possessing virtue, since by it, even as re spects things necessary for the body, they are content with what they have. For we call rich the wise, the just, the good, who have either no money or very little. But it would be a far different thing if he had been called Riches. In comparison of all things which are contained by heaven and earth, what are all things together which are possessed by men under the name of money? 1 And this name, forsooth, hath avarice given to Jupiter, that whoever was a lover of money might seem to himself to love not an ordinary god, but the very king of all things himself. How elegantly they have accounted for this name! "He is also called Pecunia," say they, "because all things belong to him." Oh how grand an explanation of the name of a deity! Yes he to whom all things belong is most meanly and most contumeliously called Pecunia. more in the Testimonial 0 - magazine for history, present and future © Salzkammergut (available from 12.-That Jupiter is Also Called Pecunia. For years the Zauner butcher's shop had suffered from a shortage of offspring, which is why they are all the more happy about the boys, because there is enough to do! By the way, when the apprenticeship is successfully completed with the journeyman's examination, they say that they have learned out. In 2018 his five apprentices Dominik, Mathias, Maximilian, Raphael and Kilian, all but two of whom have already "finished learning" in the meantime (2021). The value of cattle in earlier times can already be seen from the fact that the Latin word for wealth = pecunia is derived from pecus = cattle. In this way, the butcher's shop supplies regional hotels, restaurants and other institutions as well as locals who like to shop consciously. All these ingredients, seasoned with care during processing, give roe deer ham, sausages and bacon their unmistakably good taste. The meat is processed by hand on site, according to our own recipes and spice mixtures that have been tried and tested for decades and that are passed on from one generation to the next.

pecunia cattle

In this way, he ensures the survival of the small-scale peasant units, which in turn maintain the cultural landscape and operate alpine farming, whose ecological importance for the Alps has long been undisputed. Regional supply of regional products means thinking in circular cycles and consequently sourcing 100% veal and beef from the Salzkammergut. Gottlieb Zauner knows that the regional quality is unsurpassed and therefore, like his ancestors, sources it from the small farms in the Salzkammergut. Respect for living beings and their attitude play a major role in the quality. Reliability of origin and quality can only be guaranteed by the butcher himself. The butcher's headquarters have now moved to Bad Goisern. Today, a supply of the Hallstatt over the lake is only necessary if the extreme danger of avalanches persists.

pecunia cattle pecunia cattle

Until well into the 20th century, the Zauners delivered the cattle to Hallstatt by sea - with blindfolds, of course. 1809 is the founding year of the butcher's shop, then based in Hallstatt. one of the oldest generation companies in the Salzkammergut.

Pecunia cattle